ChatGPT: What is it, how to use it and what can you do with ChatGPT

ChatGPT - What is it, how to use it and what can you do with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model that uses artificial intelligence technology and has recently gained a lot of attention worldwide. Many people are already using ChatGPT in various fields. On this page, you can find out what ChatGPT is, how to use it, and what you can do with ChatGPT.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a deep learning program created by Open AI, which means ‘an artificial intelligence designed to create language,’ or a ‘conversational AI chatbot.’

(GPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer)

Starting from GPT1 in 2018, GPT3 was released in 2020. GPT3 had excellent performance with 175 billion parameters, but it had limitations for the general public. In November 2022, ChatGPT was released, making it easy for people to use, and gained popularity with its amazing performance. Through rapid evolution, GPT4 was unveiled on March 15 of this year, and it began to show even better performance. (GPT-4.0 is currently paid)

Currently, ChatGPT is the most outstanding in organizing vast amounts of data in the appropriate format and can be applied to various fields. With the release of ChatGPT, various companies are planning to launch AI-related services. (Bing AI, etc., have already been released)

However, one of ChatGPT’s weaknesses is that it has been identified as a problem of ‘presenting non-existent information as if it exists.’ When used as a tool for education in schools, it can be a problem, so it should be used with caution.

The emergence of ChatGPT is considered another game-changer in the evolution of digital civilization, and if a well-formed ecosystem related to it is established, it can expand infinitely into applied fields such as the meta-industry. (Meta-industry: an industry sector that transitions into a different dimension of business by meeting 4th Industrial Revolution technology)

To form a virtuous cycle ecosystem and expand its range of use in various areas, it is recommended that you actively search for and learn about ‘ChatGPT utilization/methods’ by gaining more experience and using it.

How to use ChatGPT

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①. Go to the ChatGPT website by searching “ChatGPT” in the Google search bar or using the shared link provided.

ChatGPT :

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②. Click on [Try ChatGPT] on the official ChatGPT website.

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③. Log in or sign up.

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④. That’s it! Now you can enter your queries or commands in the ChatGPT search bar.

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⑤. As additional features, you can click on the menu button located on the right side of your account to delete all the conversations with ChatGPT or change the settings of ChatGPT.

What can you do with ChatGPT

There are countless ways to utilize ChatGPT. Many users are still sharing various ways to creatively use ChatGPT. Here, we will show you some representative examples of how ChatGPT can be used.

Ask questions.

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Are you looking up information on Wikipedia about things you didn’t know or were curious about? Ask ChatGPT. It will provide shorter and easier-to-understand explanations.

Using as a Translator.

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ChatGPT is a large language model that seems to be most effective when used as a translator. It has been trained in various languages, and can speak fluently and naturally in more than 100 languages, making it helpful not only as a translation tool but also for language learning.

Writing code and studying programming.

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ChatGPT is capable of writing and editing code for design and programming purposes. It can help identify errors in code or assist with parsing syntax.

Idea Generation & Brainstorming

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Are you struggling to come up with product sales slogans or set a name for your YouTube channel? ChatGPT can be a great help for idea generation and brainstorming. Get recommendations for ideas as shown in the image above.

Finding solutions to concerns.

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ChatGPT is capable of understanding the flow of sentences and context, so it can provide alternative solutions for concerns such as how to respond to text messages or how to deal with specific situations. If you describe your situation in detail, you may receive helpful responses.

The following posts may also be helpful for using ChatGPT. If you’re interested, give them a read.

🌐 ChatGPT Tutorial : 8 Tips for Effective Use of ChatGPT

The Limitations of ChatGPT

Providing inaccurate answers

One limitation is that ChatGPT may provide answers that users may think are correct, but they can be misleading. Many users have found that ChatGPT can provide incorrect answers, and some can be highly inaccurate.

Limitations in handling harmful questions

ChatGPT is programmed to avoid providing responses that are toxic or harmful. Therefore, ChatGPT may not be able to provide answers to such types of questions.

Lack of Empathy

ChatGPT may not understand emotions and may not provide appropriate emotional responses. When presented with emotional opinions or questions, ChatGPT may avoid addressing them.

Quality of answers depends on the quality of questions

An important limitation of ChatGPT is that the quality of answers depends on the quality of the questions. Better prompts from experts result in better answers. If you want more accurate and systematic answers, you need to ask more professional and systematic questions.

FAQ about ChatGPT

ChatGPT vs GPT-3: What’s the Difference?

ChatGPT and GPT-3 are both artificial intelligence language models developed by OpenAI, capable of performing various natural language processing tasks.

However, the biggest difference between the two models is their size and performance. ChatGPT is a relatively smaller model than GPT-3, trained with less amount of data. Therefore, ChatGPT may have less trained content and slower processing speed than GPT-3.

On the other hand, GPT-3 is trained with more data and a larger model, capable of performing more complex tasks and generating more accurate and diverse results. In addition, GPT-3 has a higher processing speed than ChatGPT and supports various languages, making it more suitable for global users.

We have checked what ChatGPT is, how it can be used, and what can be done with ChatGPT. I will continue to review and update this page for any shortcomings or inaccuracies.

I will share various ways to utilize ChatGPT and provide updates on new developments.

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